Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Rachel's Impact

Ok so the only other blogging I have ever done is the Kris and Junior story I wrote for the last season. And why I am still deeply depressed about the show being canceled I am trying to move on. I have done it before and I guess I will have to do it again. When Friends went off I cried and honestly think I went through a depression period and Wildfire is the only show that has came close and maybe even topped Friends. So now that Wildfire is also canceled I will have to move on again. Well anyway Wildfire is not the main reason I made this blog, while I am thinking of making a Wildfire story where the season left off I am hopeing to take this blog in a different direction. Have any of you ever heard about Rachel Joy Scott? Well for those of you who don't know who she is I am sure you know something about her death. Before April 20, 1999 when anyone mentioned the word "Columbine" everyone thought they were talking about the flower. Now days sadly only one thought comes to mind with the mention of Columbine. Most everyone knows that on April 20, 1999 at Columbine High School in Littleton Colorado two students brought four fire arms and shoot and killed twelve students and one teacher before committing suicide. Rachel Joy Scott was among those killed. Her story made a huge impact on me. She was believed to have been questioned weather or not she believed in God and was then shot when she said yes. Rachel's father Darrell Scott began the program "Rachel's Challenge" which was based on the paper Rachel had wrote shortly before her death which was entitled "My Ethics, My Codes of Life". In the paper Rachel wrote about the things that meant the most to her which was compassion, forgiveness, and seeing the best in people. She concludes her paper by saying "My codes may seem like a fantasy that can never be reached, but test them for your self, and see the kind of effect they have in the lives of people around you. You may just start a chain reaction". That was Rachel's hope, that she would start a chain reaction of kindness. But the thing that made Rachel's story so special to me was her premonition of her death. On May 2, 1998 she wrote in her prayer journal "This will be my last year Lord. I have gotten what I can. Thank you." Less then eleven months later she was killed. She even wrote a poem just a few days before she was killed that stated that she felt she would die in a homicide. She knew two things. One was that she was going to have an impact on the world and the other was that she was going to make an impact on the world. The first of the two she made very clear to everyone she knew. Many of her family members and friends remember her saying things like "someday I'm going to be famous" or "I am going to have an impact on the world". A few years after her death her sister Dana found a drawing that Rachel had made back when she was younger. The picture was on the back of an old dresser and showed a picture of her hands and inside the hands she wrote the words "These hands belong to Rachel Joy Scott and will someday touch millions of peoples hearts". By the time that picture was found her story and death had truly touched millions of peoples hearts. Another amazing story of Rachel was the drawing she had made just minutes before she died. While sitting in her class at Columbine High she drew a picture of her eyes and thirteen tears falling from her eyes and then turning into blood before they fell on a rose which was growing out of a Columbine plant. While she was drawing the picture some kids in her class remember her not even looking up as she drew it. As Rachel was getting ready to leave the class and go to lunch her teacher Mrs. Carruthers asked her what the drawing meant and Rachel replied "Oh, Mrs. Carruthers, It's not finished". Then her teacher remembered Rachel saying the strangest thing to her. Rachel replied "Mrs. Carruthers, I am going to have an impact on the world!". Her teacher smiled and said " I will see you tomorrow Rachel". Rachel went out side to eat lunch with her friend Richard and then minutes later she entered eternity. But the truly amazing part of the drawing was what came next. Rachel's family had not gotten her book bag back form the police who were keeping it as evidence since one of the bullets went through her and into her bag. The journal that contained the picture of her tears and eyes were in the bag so her family had not seen it and it would be a while after the shooting in till they could get it back.Several weeks after Rachel's funeral her father Darrell received a phone call from a man named Frank who lived in Ohio, a thousand miles from Colorado. Frank told Darrell that he had received what her believed to be a message from God in a dream. Frank had dreamed about Rachel's tears falling from her eyes and falling onto to something. Frank didn't know what the tears were falling on but he knew the dream meant something. He asked Darrell if this meant anything to him. Darrell replied no and Frank gave Darrell his number in case Darrell ever shed light on what he believed to be a sign from God. Seven days later Darrell was told her could go and get her backpack. As he got home and was looking through her stuff he found her last journal and as he flipped to the end he could not believe what he saw. There right in front of his eyes was the picture that a perfect stranger had described. As Darrell looked at the drawing he came up with his own theory of what it meant. He believed the Rose that was growing out of the Columbine flower represented "us" growing from the Columbine shootings. After all the rose is the nations flower and Columbine High School was named after the Columbine flower. There are so many other amazing aspects of Rachel's story that have changed my life and my prayer is that it will change yours to. I challenge you to read "Rachel's Tears" first and then move on to "Rachel"s Smiles" "Chain Reaction" and "The Journal of Rachel Joy Scott" they are all written by her parents and are really inspiring so I encourage you to read them and I hope they change your life to. I will be telling more about Rachel and the impact she had on me through this blog but for even more info. on Rachel and the Columbine tragedy you should Google and research it. Talk to you soon and God Bless!
Love Always,
P.S. To any Wildfire fan that wants me to do another story please speak up because I am in debate over it. Also if you google Rachel Joy Scott pictures you can see the picture of her tears and eyes and some other art work she had done. You can also read some of her journals. Rachel's birthday was also yeaterday adn I had planed to start this yesterday on her birthday but ran out of time but happy late birthday Rachel. She would be 27. Thanks for reading!